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EMLYON Business School New Territories 2020 – A sustainable model of connectivity for the global business school

By 2020, there will only be three or four French business schools that can seriously claim to be global players. EMLYON intends to be one of them.


Le campus © Air Tech
Le campus © Air Tech

The position we hold now among the world’s top ranked business schools has been built up over many years. But clinging to today’s rankings is like clinging to a tombstone if you do not have a sustainable business model for the future. (a rapidly evolving and ever more demanding future).
Faced with the complexity of the modern business environment, combining digital innovation and disruptive technology with shifting economic influence and borderless networks, business schools must constantly innovate to survive. Traditional ways and methods are almost certainly not the way forward. Instead we must unlock the stockpiles of knowledge and the silos of periodic learning, and collaborate in a sustained flow of connected creativity.


We share, therefore we are
Over the next five years, EMLYON is committed to training not just internationally, but in local markets around the world, using action learning, digital connectivity and entrepreneurial innovation to increase our student body more than threefold. In addition to EMLYON ASIA, and plans to expand our dynamic Shanghai campus, we will launch EMLYON AFRICA in 2015, from a campus in Casablanca. The following year we will develop EMLYON INDIAFRICA, supporting the economic growth and training needs of India and the Middle East.
But we are as committed to an investment in intelligence and connectivity as we are to investing in square footage. The global partnership we have developed with IBM is an example of how to build what we see as the Smart Business School, connecting information systems, research, innovation and big data.
Other corporate partnerships in the pipeline will also underpin the development of pop-up campuses, with a combination of online training, synchronous and non-synchronous coaching, and presence-based learning. Such platforms will allow us to reach into key new markets such as West Africa. Or to the industrial heartland of China, to the cities that McKinsey & Co. have identified as the economic powerhouses of the coming decade.
By 2020 we expect half of EMLYON’s students to come from these emerging markets. In a similar way that the users of Netflix can cherry-pick their entertainment, our audience will be able to choose when and how much they learn. Our goal is to curate knowledge that will provide them with the continuous feedback, collaborative space and creative connections to let the learning flow.
Underpinning all this, we will stay rooted in our DNA of entrepreneurial innovation and creativity. The EMLYON Incubator, which has created over 1,300 companies since its creation 30 years ago, will be extended to Morocco and China to nurture the next generation of global entrepreneurs. Masters courses such as the Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP) in partnership with Purdue and Zheijang University will continue to reinforce our global academic scope and social engagement.
And the World Entrepreneurship Forum, with business leaders, policy makers and experts from over 60 countries will focus on the key challenges of tomorrow, facilitating and implementing entrepreneurial initiatives on a local or global scale.


Bernard Belletante, Dean of EMLYON Business School
and Tugrul Atamer, vice-Dean for Global Affairs