crédit HEC Paris

School with a view

Institutions des quatre coins du monde et étudiants internationaux : tous s’arrachent HEC ! Ils nous racontent (en anglais dans le texte !) leur histoire avec la business school française.


Le regard du partenaire : Stefano Caselli , Vice-recteur Relations Internationales de la Bocconi

How is HEC perceived in your country ?

HEC Paris is one of the top business school in the world by any ranking and this fact contributes a lot to increase its visibility and prestige at international level. For this reason, HEC is perceived in Italy with a great sense of respect and as benchmark for many initiatives. Furthermore, the alliance with Bocconi makes the image of HEC even more known to a larger audience both of undergraduate students and of pratictionners.


Why is the partnership with HEC a real competitive asset?

The partnership between HEC and Bocconi is organized through several areas, moving from exchanges to Double Degrees. Bright students and talents are more and more attracted by high-quality programs and impactful international opportunities. For Bocconi, to offer such prestigious alliance makes more attractive the programs at international level and generates a concrete competitive advantage.


Your common values ?

To make alliances today is not only a matter of programs but is much more and deeper: it means to share a vision and to decide to link two brands and two stories. Nevertheless, this becomes possible only if the values underlying the two institutions are similar and match perfectly. HEC and Bocconi founded together more than 30 years ago a network – CEMS – that today is still (or even more) bright, is larger as it involves a large number of top institutions and corporate partners worldwide and is an excellent example of network. The sense of challenge, the quest of merit, the desire to generate impact and to innovate are the pillars not only of this venture but the deep DNA of Bocconi and HEC.